
May Your Dreams Come True !

Dreams are important because they give you vision, provide direction for your life and something to work toward. Hellen Keller, who was blind and deaf, said, "The most pathetic person in the world is the person who has sight, but no vision." This's very true. If you don't have a dream or goal, you have nothing to look forward to. So, imagine where you want to be in the next week, month, year, and five years, and make this your "vision".

Dreams help you create a big picture for your life. You don't have to accept your "fate" or "destiny." Instead, you can create it. To do this, create a big picture for your life via your dreams and aspirations. Have a picture of where you'll be physically, financially, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually within a certain amount of time. This will keep you focused on these aspirations and keep you from wandering aimlessly through life, asking yourself what you have to show for it. Make your life's big picture as challenging as you can handle. Make it purposeful and clear, so your mind has something to grasp and work toward.

Another reason why dreams are important is because they create possibilities you may not consciously consider. That is, you're not afraid to dream, because you know it's "just a dream." However, subconsciously, your mind believes your dreams. So, if you let them, these possibilities will take root in your subconscious mind and eventually manifest themselves. This is when and how dreams become realities.

Here are some people who have dreams and may their dreams come true

Susan Boyle (47 years old)


How lucky I am to have you in my life

How do I begin to tell you how lucky I am to have you in my life?

I'll start by saying what an honor it is for me to be your wife.

You're my best friend in the good times and my rock in times of sorrow.

You're the reason for sweet yesterdays and my promise for tomorrow.

I never thought I could feel this loved until I became your wife.

You made this year and every year the best one of my life.

Majlis Komensmen NPQH Kohort 11/2009

SM 1 "You R The Best" - En Jubah Hitam memang pakai 'Jubah Hitam' kali ini
Penghuni Kondo Putera Mas

28 Mei 2009 adalah hari yang bersejarah kepada peserta NPQH kerana menyaksikan penganugerahan sijil dan diploma Kepengetuaan kepada para graduan NPQH Kohort 11/2007.

Kejayaan ini merupakan suatu titik penting dalam usaha Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia yang melahirkan kumpulan pemimpin dan pemimpin pelapis yang akan mendokong kemajuan institusi pendidikan dan sekolah di masa depan.

Terima kasih kepada Pengarah IAB Dr. Haji Khair Bin Mohamad Yusof, pensyarah IAB serta staf yang sentiasa memberi komitmen tinggi dalam penyediaan pemimpin pelapis berkualiti.

Juga kepada suami, ibu dan mak mentua saya kerana memberi sokongan kepada saya untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi.

Saya tidak akan lupa kawan-kawan saya di SM1- Azhan, Azhar, Azman, Arman, Abu, Naser, Yen, Bidi, Beri, Pari, Lau, Khur, Nik, Siro, Yati Wahab, Yati Rahman, Finaz, Shidah, Shima, Tipah, Hazura, Hasnah, Azura, J, Siti, Ita, Hani, Yuhanis, Zainab. Kelas kami begitu unik sekali dalam 'kenakalan' ada 'kejelekitannya' . Semoga kawan-kawan dapat berjaya dalam hidup dan mengecapi impian masing-masing.

Terima kasih kepada Pn Salleha yang telah memberi galakkan kepada saya. Masih ingat Puanlah yang menghulurkan borang permohonan NPQH kepada saya, tanpa Puan saya tidak mungkin menjejak langkah ke IAB- JASAMU DIKENANG
Kepada daddy saya, terima kasih kerana mendidik saya. Anda sentiasa dalam kenangan...


Do you ever feel depressed?

Sometimes we feel happy and excited, at other times, we'll feel sad and down. There are plenty of things that might make you worry. But people feel and react to different things in different ways. It's normal to feel stressed, anxious or lonely from time to time, or that no-one understands us. But for most people, these feelings come and go.
For a small number of people, feeling down or depressed can go on for a long time so they can't get on with their everyday lives.
There are lots of things that can make you feel down or depressed.
Here are some examples.....
*if someone close to you is ill, or dies
*worrying about how you look
*feeling guilty or responsible
*for someone else's behaviour
*worrying about your sexuality
*feeling left out and not being part of a group
*moving or leaving home
*feeling useless and worthless
*arguing with friends or family
*having a parent or carer who is depressed or worried about other things
*changes in your family or becoming part of a new family
*thinking things will never get better
*having trouble with your boyfriend or girlfriend, or even just a close friend
*worrying about exams or getting disappointing results
*being bullied at school or elsewhere
*if someone close to you moves away
*feeling you have no-one to talk to and that no-one understands you
*if you have been abused

How do I know if I'm feeling depressed?

*feeling life is not worth living
*worrying about things
*feeling lazy or bored and tired a lot
*not wanting to go out
*lying or making up stories
*crying a lot
*eating a lot more or a lot less than usual
*being moody or irritable or snappy
*having trouble sleeping or having bad dreams
*feeling like harming yourself
*stealing things or getting into trouble
*feeling no-one likes you or people are talking behind your back ...maybe you recognise some of these in yourself or in a friend

Ways to help a friend if they're unhappy or feeling depressed

*listen and try to be sympathetic
*don't expect them just to snap out of it
*don't criticise or tease them
*try and get them to talk about how they feel
*be patient and allow them time to talk
*try and help them look for help

Ways to help myself

*make a tape of your favourite music
*do some drawing or painting
*write things down in a diary
*write a poem or song
*listen to some music

These things may help you understand how you feel. There are lots of other things which might help you feel better, at least for some of the time. The important thing is to do something that you enjoy.

Here are just some ideas...

*watch something you enjoy on TV
*get outside in the fresh air
*try a sport like swimming or jogging or dancing - even just go for a walk
*eat regularly and as healthily as you can

Talking to someone might help you feel more able to cope. Try and talk to someone you like and trust. This might be a...
*parent or carer
*brother or sister
*aunt or uncle
*friend's parent

Other people you could talk to could be a...
*school nurse
*school counsellor
*youth worker
*social worker

They may be able to come with you to talk to someone else or may be able to phone someone for advice if you don't want to do it yourself. They may be able to help and reassure you that they sometimes feel the same way.

To my friends, writing a blog can help reduce depression too. Am I right?


Color and Character

Red-energy, health, enthusiasm and hope
Orange-excitement, joy, lively, moderate, joy and lights
Yellow-moderate and light, a hope
Green -- youth, peace, vitality
Blue-clean, quiet, calm, the eternal, rational and far-reaching
Purple-and elegance typical, ornate, elegant, mysterious
Brown-serious, powerful, warm
White-pure, sacred cool, clean, sanitary
Ash-calm and dignified, simple
Black-mysterious, quiet, sad, serious and energetic, terror, poise
Gold -- glorious, luxuriously glory
So what is your favourite color?


Three Wise Monkeys

Apa itu Three Wise Monkey?

Jawapan :

Three wise monkeys
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The three wise monkeys over the Tōshō-gū shrine in Nikkō, Japan
The three wise monkeys are a pictorial
maxim. Together they embody the proverbial principle to "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". The three monkeys are Mizaru, covering his eyes, who sees no evil; Kikazaru, covering his ears, who hears no evil; and Iwazaru, covering his mouth, who speaks no evil.Sometimes there is a fourth monkey depicted with the three others; the last one, Shizaru, symbolizes the principle of "do no evil". He may be covering his abdomen or crotch, or by crossing his arms.

Three wise monkey melambangkan prinsip "see no evil, hear no evil dan speak no evil". Adakah ini melambangkan satu sikap yang pasif maksudnya buat tak nampak, buat tak dengar dan tak nak bercakap banyak, tidak memberi pandangan. Keseluruhan BUAT TAK TAHU?

Jika pandangan Tuan / Puan adalah seperti di atas, jawapannya adalah tidak tepat.

Sesungguhnya seseorang itu perlu berfikir dan bertindak secara wajar, melihat sesuatu yang patut dilihat seperti bacalah kitab-kitab suci, buku-buku yang boleh membawa manfaat kepada kita. Memberi bantuan dan pertolongan apabila melihat orang dalam kesusahan...

Apabila mendengar sesuatu dari mulut kawan... yang manis itu tak semestinya benar, fikirkanlah apakah motif disebaliknya dengan lain perkataan nilaikanlahnya dengan rasional.

Cakaplah sesuatu yang dapat membawa manfaat kepada manusia sejagat janganlah mengumpat, cakap sesuatu yang boleh menyakitkan hati orang, berbual kosong...

Jika setiap orang dapat bertindak wajar sesuai dengan nilai keagamaan, bertindak 'see no evil, hear no evil dan speak no evil' nescaya dunia ini akan aman, damai dan sentosa......

Tambahan * Kedai yang menjual CD dan DVD yang boleh merosakkan moral akan bankrup*

Wisdom Quotes

A smile is a curve that can straighten out a lot of things.

Life is not measured by breaths we take in a moment

but by moments that take our breaths away.

Life is short! if you don't look around once in a while you might miss it.

Those who are afraid to fall, will never fly .

Love your enemys... It really ticks them off.

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything .

The poorest man on earth is not the one without money, but is the one without a dream.
To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world .

Look into the picture of your present life, for the picture determines your future .

It's better to be hated for who you are than loved for what your not .

Be yourself, there are enough other people.

Don't frown,you never know whose falling in love with your smile .

If u can stay calm while every1 else is goin mad ... u probably haven't completely understood the situation!

FRIENDS are like stars…you do not ALWAYS SEE them but you know they are always there!..

A person who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. A person who doesn't is a fool forever.

Don't be afraid to expose yourself. Reach out and tell sum1 wot they mean 2 u coz when u decide its the right time it might b 2 late!

Sometimes its harder to say no, when you really mean yes.
Its hard to close your eyes when you really want to see. But the hardest thing to do is to let go when you want to stay.

Life is a tragedy for those who feel and a comedy for those who think

What do you do when the only person who can stop you crying, is the person who makes you cry in the first place?

You might regret what you do- but you'll regret what you don't do SO much more

To let go doesn't mean to stop caring. To let go is to learn theres something beyond. To let go means accepting reality. To let go is loving more coz you only want the best.

If you are the flame you can't be burned

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift that is why we call it the present!


Nurture Nature To Ensure Your Future


Nature is beautiful,
Nature is fun.
Everything is wonderful,
Including the Sun.

The lush green grass,
The blossoming flowers,
The light-blue sky,
And the flowing rivers.

The thick trees
And the lovely breeze,
Remind me Of Nature's pleas.
Pleas for help,
Pleas for protection,
Pleas to mankind.

To stop causing destruction.
The lush green grass is turning brown,
The water level is going down.
The pleasant breeze is full of pollution,
Growing more trees is the only solution.

Nature is our mother,
Nature is our life,
Save the nature,
And save your life.
Nature is beautiful,
Nature is fun,
Everything should be wonderful,
Including the Sun.


by Ramya Pillutla


Movie Maker Ke Jogja & Solo

Di samping sibuk membuat disertasi, saya tidak lupakan hobby saya iaitu membuat movie maker. Membuat movie maker sememangnya mengambil masa yang lama dari memilih gambar ke memilih muzik yang sesuai. Setakat ini saya telah berjaya membuat Movie Maker bagi kelas kami untuk ' Sweet Memories Di IAB & IPK' dan ' Mulanya Di Sini'.
Dalam proses memilih gambar foto beberapa perkara perlu dipertimbangkan. Saya mesti mengenalpasti muka setiap kawan-kawan dapat muncul di dalam movie. JANGAN hanya tumpu kepada seorang dua sahaja (saya berharap saya dapat bertindak dengan adil. TAPI kadang-kala agak sukar, contohnya En. Abu yang suka tiba-tiba muncul dalam camera jadi kebarangkalian untuk beliau masuk movie adalah lebih besar; semasa ambil gambar ada kawan-kawan tercicir kerana ke kamal kecil atau tidak suka ambil gambar atau selalu memakai 'cermin mata kulit'... Heee ). Pastikan muka kawan-kawan adalah paling perfect, handsome, cantik ... sahaja dipilih (maksudnya tiada yang terngangga atau tertutup mata). Terima kasih kepada kawan-kawan kerana membekalkan gambar foto kepada saya .
Saya berharap tidak lama lagi movie saya dapat siap dan hadiahkan kepada kawan-kawan setiap satu. (tapi ia agak tak lengkap kerana tiada muka kawan-kawan kita seperti Siro, Siti dan J).
Gambar kenang-kenangan antara Rombongan Institut Pengajian Kepengetuaan, Universiti Malaya dengan Kepala Sekolah SMA Negeri 3 Jogjakarta

Gambar kenang-kenangan antara Rombongan Institut Pengajian Kepengetuaan, Universiti Malaya dengan Wakil dari Universiti Gadjah Mada

Tabib kepada semua kerana berjaya menjejak langkah ke puncak Candi Borobudor

"1, 2, 3 BELACAN"

"Shopping, shopping, shopping..."

"Selamat harijadi...Prof Dato Hussein"

Lawatan sambil belajar selama 5 hari 4 malam di Jogjakarta, Indonesia. Iaitu seramai 3 orang pensyarah pengiring, seorang staf sokongan serta 23 orang pelajar Institut Pengajian Kepengetuaan telah mencapai kejayaan dan menepati objektif yang telah ditetapkan, iaitu memberi peluang kepada peserta program untuk menimba pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam pengurusan pendidikan di negara yang dilawati; mengenal pasti kekuatan pengurusan pendidikan yang dilaksanakan di institusi pendidikan di negara yang dilawati; mendalami dan berkongsi pengalaman bersama pengurusan sekolah yang dilawati; mencadangkan dapatan hasil lawatan kepada jabatan/ institut serta kementerian berkaitan; mendapatkan maklumat baru dan pelaksanaan sistem pendidikan di negara yang dilawati serta berkongsi pengalaman bersama rakan sejawat; berpeluang untuk mencari idea baru bagi menyelesaikan masalah dalam pengurusan organisasi.
Objektif ini tercapai setelah hasil sesi perbincangan di antara pelajar Institusi Pengajian Kepengetuaan dengan pihak pengurusan dan pelajar Institusi pendidikan di Jogjakarta iaitu Universiti Gadjah Mada dan SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta. Lawatan ini juga memberi peluang kepada kami melihat kesan-kesan tinggalan sejarah yang selama ini hanya dibaca melalui buku sejarah, yang mengkagumkan kami adalah masyarakat di Jogjakarta dapat memelihara warisan budaya yang sehingga kini menjadi tarikan seluruh masyarakat dunia. Pada masa yang sama ruang yang ada dalam program lawatan ini memberi peluang kepada peserta Institut Pengajian Kepengetuaan untuk menambahkan kejelekitan sebagai bakal-bakal pemimpin pendidikan di negara ini.
Bak kata pepatah ‘Bulat air kerana pembetung, bulat manusia kerana muafakat’, proses permuafakatan dari saat-saat mulanya perancangan untuk mengadakan lawatan sehinggalah tamatnya keseluruhan program lawatan berjaya memberi impak yang sangat positif kepada kami. Terima kasih kepada pihak Universiti Malaya amnya dan Institut Pengajian Kepengetuaan khasnya yang telah memberi galakkan dan sokongan dalam menjayakan program lawatan sambil belajar ini.


The Moon Represents My Heart - Teresa Teng

The Moon Represents My Heart
Ni wen wo ai ni you duo shen, wo ai ni you ji fen.
Wo di qing ye zhen, wo di ai ye zhen,
Yue liang dai biao wo di xin.

Ni wen wo ai ni you duo shen, wo ai ni you ji fen.
Wo di qing bu yi, wo di ai bu bian
yue liang dai biao wo di xin

Qing qing di yi ge wen, yi jing da dong wo di xin,
Shen shen di yi duan qing, jiao wo shi nian dao ru jing.

Ni wen wo ai ni you duo shen, wo ai ni you ji fen,
Ni qu xiang yi xiang, ni qu kan yi kan
yue liang dai biao wo di xin.

Sudah 6 bulan tidak menjadi Blogger...

Banyak peristiwa telah berlaku...

Sibuk menentukan tajuk disertasi...
Mencari kajian literasi...
Seminar Kepengetuaan kali ke VI...
Mendokumentasikan program... Sibuk tetapi amat bermakna kerana memperolehi banyak pengetahuan dan pengalaman...

Paling menyedihkan daddy saya telah meninggal dunia pada 18 Mac 2009. Sungguh sedih kehilangan bapa yang tersayang, masih menitis air mata apabila mengenang kembali wajah daddy saya dan segala detik-detik bersama beliau.

'Dari tuhan beliau datang, kpdNya beliau kembali'

Terima kasih kerana membela saya, kerana mendidik saya, kerana segala-galanya...

Terima kasih kepada kepada suami saya, saudara mara, pensyarah IPK dan rakan-rakan yang telah memberi sokongan moral. I will be strong.