Sometimes we feel happy and excited, at other times, we'll feel sad and down. There are plenty of things that might make you worry. But people feel and react to different things in different ways. It's normal to feel stressed, anxious or lonely from time to time, or that no-one understands us. But for most people, these feelings come and go.
For a small number of people, feeling down or depressed can go on for a long time so they can't get on with their everyday lives.
There are lots of things that can make you feel down or depressed.
Here are some examples.....
*if someone close to you is ill, or dies
*worrying about how you look
*feeling guilty or responsible
*for someone else's behaviour
*worrying about your sexuality
*feeling left out and not being part of a group
*moving or leaving home
*feeling useless and worthless
*arguing with friends or family
*having a parent or carer who is depressed or worried about other things
*changes in your family or becoming part of a new family
*thinking things will never get better
*having trouble with your boyfriend or girlfriend, or even just a close friend
*worrying about exams or getting disappointing results
*being bullied at school or elsewhere
*if someone close to you moves away
*feeling you have no-one to talk to and that no-one understands you
*if you have been abused
How do I know if I'm feeling depressed?
*feeling life is not worth living
*worrying about things
*feeling lazy or bored and tired a lot
*not wanting to go out
*lying or making up stories
*crying a lot
*eating a lot more or a lot less than usual
*being moody or irritable or snappy
*having trouble sleeping or having bad dreams
*feeling like harming yourself
*stealing things or getting into trouble
*feeling no-one likes you or people are talking behind your back ...maybe you recognise some of these in yourself or in a friend
Ways to help a friend if they're unhappy or feeling depressed
*listen and try to be sympathetic
*don't expect them just to snap out of it
*don't criticise or tease them
*try and get them to talk about how they feel
*be patient and allow them time to talk
*try and help them look for help
Ways to help myself
*make a tape of your favourite music
*do some drawing or painting
*write things down in a diary
*write a poem or song
*listen to some music
These things may help you understand how you feel. There are lots of other things which might help you feel better, at least for some of the time. The important thing is to do something that you enjoy.
Here are just some ideas...
*watch something you enjoy on TV
*get outside in the fresh air
*try a sport like swimming or jogging or dancing - even just go for a walk
*eat regularly and as healthily as you can
Talking to someone might help you feel more able to cope. Try and talk to someone you like and trust. This might be a...
*parent or carer
*brother or sister
*aunt or uncle
*friend's parent
Other people you could talk to could be a...
*school nurse
*school counsellor
*youth worker
*social worker
They may be able to come with you to talk to someone else or may be able to phone someone for advice if you don't want to do it yourself. They may be able to help and reassure you that they sometimes feel the same way.
To my friends, writing a blog can help reduce depression too. Am I right?